They call this a one-gun keypad vault, which it is, however, you can fit two to three smaller size pistols in here and effectively lock them up. While this smaller size gun vault isn't as robust or maybe even as secure as the bigger safes, it can successfully secure your firearms while making for quick assess as needed.The combo system can utilize a combination of 4 to 6 digits.
Here's the transcripts:
Hey guys going to do a little uh review on this snap safe one gun keypad vault uh we'll go over each of the features here as we go along here too let's open this baby up here's a look at it out of the box it's got kind of a wedge shape to it
all right so it's got a spring-loaded door
okay here's some dimensions on this thing it's uh nine nine inches wide there and the opening there is uh seven and three quarters
the length on it is 12 inches and it goes from the highest point there five inches all the way down to just over three inches about three and a quarter all right the bottom of this thing has some holes in here this is where we're gonna mount it to a solid fixture so it can't be removed without opening it some holes up here too now inside here if you look here that little box over here right there that's where the batteries go go ahead and pull that out reach in
all right what i did to get this in there is i put my headlamp on because it's kind of hard to see and then just put the batteries up in there now i'll just slide it slide it back in there and show them all right to program this thing there's a button right inside there right in the top about underneath the keypad right there we're going to hold that for three seconds till it beeps so we're gonna one two three here's a beep there now we'll type in our code one two three four now we'll push the button in here again push and press yellow light repeat it one two three four and then confirm it we'll push that again
now it beeped green that tells me that that code is good so we can go ahead and shut it now it's programmed one two three four sweet check it out again
cool and of course if you uh forget your code you can always use your keys
all right to check to check the battery level on your keypad here just press any button see how it lights up all blue there if the battery level was lower than 25 percent the keypad would would light up uh both green and blue and at that point they should be replaced immediately let's say you don't like the sound and the beeps that these things make you want this thing makes you want to make it a little bit more stealthy you just hold this down for three seconds one two three see that yellow beep now you won't hear a sound so let's go ahead and open this thing up you'll notice it's quieter
okay let's say we want to turn the sound back on now just go ahead and hold the one down for three seconds one two three that yellow beep that means your sound's back on so now
all right this thing fits one pistol in here very nicely
all right you can easily fit two or three pistols in here depending on what size but uh this little 357 you want to have your whichever one you want to get first have it closest to the door here
you can grab it
put the other one towards the back whichever one
you can put two or three in there comfortably i'll just see how quick we can get in there ready
all right one more time
pretty quick
even if you type it in wrong it doesn't take a long time to reset as you saw there
yeah now if it's in the dark you can just kind of feel your way
thanks for watching
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