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Saturday, June 29, 2019
DIY Mongoose Mountain Bike 21 Speed-Basic Assembly "for dummies"
Men's mongoose bike on amazon: https://amzn.to/2DDl3mJ
Mongoose offers all kinds of bikes and has always been a reputable brand. Nowdays it's a balance of quality and cost. What do you want and how much are you willing to pay. Mongoose has some great bikes which are reasonable in price. They do offer some higher end bikes as well but along with those comes some extra cost. The same thing applies if you were going to go purchase a custom made bike that fits you perfectly from a custom bike shop, you are going to pay a lot more. Bikes like the one shown in the video feature a smooth and comfortable ride on almost any terrain, due to the Mongoose Impasse Dual Full Suspension Bike system. Overall, the price of a Mongoose mountain bike is affordable and makes it a worth your investment. Mongoose bikes are primarily fabricated and produced in Asia. Mostly in China as this keeps the overhead cost of making these bikes low. There are some manufacturing locations in the U.S. as well. If you purchased on of these from Wall-Mart, make sure you put it together yourself or at lease be sure to check every single tightness check on the bike as the store people putting these together are simply not doing it the correct way. Numerous times, both myself and others, have purchased a Way-Mart bike off the shelf only to have it dangerously come apart during the first ride or not stop correctly. Again, check and double check all connections BEFORE riding or letting your child ride one of these bikes.
Before you buy, be sure to:
Get the right size bike, choose a good wheel size, choose either a hard tail or double (full suspension) bike, don't worry too much about the weight, get quality suspension, and don't spend your whole bike budget on this.
You may be asking "Which brand do I choose?". To tell you the truth almost all of the major brands are now made in China. Huffy, Schwinn, Redline, Mongoose, etc are all now made in China so most of these have the same underlying level of quality (or lack of in some models) you can expect from a bike manufactured in China.
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
DIY IKEA "BROR" Shelves Unboxing and Assembly
These shelves were very easy to put together. The directions they came with were very clear. Although the shelves are IKEA brand, they are made in China. That being said, the material they use to make these are probably the absolute bare minimum thickness they could get away with without them falling over. The fact they were made in China keeps the price down, but it keeps the quality down as well. These shelves will serve their purpose but I would definately not introduce a huge load to the units especially if you only purchased one. The fact that I have three linked up here gives them a little stability. Speaking of stability, don't skip installing the "X" shape stiffeners on the backside of these. They do help (reduce)their potential to wobble quite a bit. One thing I did not to in the above video was secure it to the wall. Securing it to the wall will also add to their stability quite a bit as well as add a safety feature to keep them from falling forward, so I recommend doing this.
According to https://www.diy-technician.com the best way to obtain these items is not to try to drag them out of the store on a busy weekend but order them online and have them delivered.
I buy from Ikea but here's why I despise going there.....
They got me. Along with millions of others. I'm no longer unique. No longer a hold out. No longer a spectator. I'm just like the rest. I ran right off the cliff with the rest of the herd. I suppose I would call it jealously more than anything. I'm guess I'm somewhat envious of Mr. IKEA who has figured out a way to repeatedly and painfully victimize me into wasting my precious Saturday mornings and hard earned money on obtaining new items in a profound fashion.
Once being bribed and convinced of the need to uproot myself from a once pleasant weekend morning, the journey starts way too early with a couple of pushes on the i(kea)-phone in order to take a taxi (via Grab app) to the IKEA penitentiary.
Let the root canal begin.
Once arriving at the ant colony, I'm forced by the crowd down a narrow habit trail as the entrance slowly fades away behind me. This is about the time the equivalent to water boarding begins. My senses become overwhelmed at the various lights, signs, products, chatter, etc. Blood pressure increases and breathing becomes laborious as I watch my fellow prisoners, who appear to be oddly enjoying this experience, load up their wheeled loot holders. The following hour or two is just a blur and it all runs together like bad water color painting.
I now prepare myself for the displeasure of temporarily being held hostage for a few hours by mood altering display nooks littered with unavoidable reduced pricing signs that have a Pavlovian effect on a certain gender of shopper. The slow motion action of one by one removing dollar bills from my wallet starts to play over and over in my head as I start to grow weary, sauntering down the path of least resistance.
Naturally all of this activity makes you hungry. Mr. IKEA does not want hungry prisoners so he has constructed a way to extract more money from each unsuspecting inmate. After finding a temporary place to store your gatherings you must divide and conquer. One of you must go secure and eating location while the other waits in a long line for a 1/2 hour minimum to obtain the food. If you do not time this right you may find yourself with nowhere to eat as the other prisoners do not care to part with thier places at the tables. Seasoned inmates know the routine. The ratio of food sold vs. places to sit are highly offset. Mr. IKEA does not care if you have to stand and eat so as long as you get enough calories in to finish the march of shame up to the check out line.
The post-meal second round of pain begins. I start to sweat as I'm lead back into general population. It's an apprehensive aggravation type of sweat. After all, I'm spending MY time and MY money as the painfully obvious becomes inevitable. My shopping cart is getting fuller the farther I wade into the abyss of consumables. At this point I'm seemingly unable to escape this insanity. This explains why there are no windows from which to make a freedom leap.
As I continue to serve out my sentence for hours while being inundated by "on sale" signs and dimmed lighting displays that tap into one's emotional side, I now start to sympathize with my captor. It is now that I get the pleasure of waiting in a long line to exchange my hard earned cash for items in my cart.
I take a sigh of relief as I feel like the finish line is within reach. The light at the end of the tunnel is growing larger.
In hindsight, I wish my future self could time travel back to my current self, tap me on the shoulder and say, "Go to Starbucks instead", or "say you have to work", or "pretend your wallet was stolen yesterday", then miraculously find it Monday morning, or fake an injury.
After waiting in what seems to be the 10th line of the day, an Aussie mate must have seen the steam leaving my now crimson colored face, when he taps me on the shoulder and says, "Hey mate, they serve cold beer right over there".
Read the rest of the story at:
do it yourself,
Made in China,
Monday, June 10, 2019
DIY Dismantled Dell PC Personal Computer Fan Runs Off Headlamp Battery Pack
There is something satisfying about tearing apart a computer and pulling parts out that may have another use. This older dell computer was just asking to be stripped down. It had 3 fans in it and I happened to have a headlamp around. It was a perfect fit for messing around. The fan will run off 3 AA batteries. I don't endorse or recommend Dell. I've had nothing but bad luck with them and they are cheaply Made in China. Fun to tear apart though. I've displayed a few headlamps down below. Every good DIY technician needs a few headlamps around. You can never have too many headlamps on hand. If you really do need to buy a Dell, I recommend that you don't, there IS a link down below to purchase one.
battery pack,
direct current,
do it yourself,
what's inside
Thursday, June 6, 2019
DIY Pallet Project: How to make a Pallet Playhouse
Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle! Upcycling materials for useful projects is most fulfilling. In this case the ground work foundation was laid with old pallets and the 2 X4's were pulled from an old building that was torn down. The tarpaper and shingles were left over from when I put a new roof on my house. Pallets are easy to come by and pull apart. I was actually able to obtain a bunch of nails when I pulled them apart as well. A couple of them I had to straighten with my hammer on a flat surface.
Sorry for the horrific music. I was messing around on my acoustic and seemed like a good idea at the time to use it as a soundtrack. Most pallet projects are made to look a little rough so you can make most of them with standard electric and hand tools.
This playhouse was a joy to build. It got a lot of use by mine and the neighborhood kids. Once they grew out of it, it became a chicken coup that held numerous chickens that layed us many many fresh eggs. I even ended up making some egg laying boxes out of pallets for the chickens.
Once the chickens were gone it became a lawn and garden shed where I stored all my oils, gas, paint, tools, yard tools, etc. If you like pallet projects check out my youtube channel as I have a ton of DIY pallet projects.
If, after watching my DIY pallet playhouse construction video, you don't want to build one yourself, than maybe you can purchase one of the below.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019
What’s Inside Amazon's Frozen "Xice" Ice Gel Packs? Thawed and Unthawed ...
This was a fun experiment to see what was inside of these ice packets that amazon sends with their food deliveries. The gooey gel inside is very inert, non-flammable, and non-glow-in-the-dark. It was fun to cut it open in both the thawed form and frozen form just to satisfy my curiosity. This would probably make some good fake halloween blood and guts if you dyed it red. Maybe I'll try that on the next one during halloween season. The Nice itself seems to be very effective and stay frozen keeping your food cold for a long time. I like to keep them in the freezer and at least get another couple uses out of them rather than immediately discard them, just seems to be too much of a waste. Buy some stuff from from the amazon links below as it helps support my blog and channel!
Tuesday, June 4, 2019
Fort Canning Park Singapore-Put this on your list of things to do in Sin...
Saturday, June 1, 2019
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