Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Project Source Brand Overhead Ceiling Light Fixture Installation-Model#0...

As homeowners and handymen we are always faced with having to do upgrades. It's crucial that us DIY technicians know how to handle these kids of tasks. Whether your a Mr. or Ms. Fix it kind of person, if you don't want to pay someone to do these kinds of DIY home electrical jobs than watch my videos on it. This one was a simple light fixture change out. I want to stress a couple of safety items here. First be sure the power is off. Second, be sure the power is off. Third, don't stand on something unsafe such as a slippery chair or bucket to reach up and perform this task. Get a ladder, get a voltage detector, turn off the breaker, turn off the switch, check for current.

Now open your new Project Source light fixture box and lay out all your new parts in an organized fashion. Unscrew the old mounting bracket. There are times when you don't have to do this when you get lucky and the existing mounting bracket will fit your new installation. After unscrewing then pull your wires down a little, inspect them and make sure they are good to go for your new installation. Next step is to reinstall your new mounting bracket into the recess. The same place from which you pulled the old one out. It's helpful to pre thread your screws into the metal mounting bracket as you will be installing this into the overhead. This goes for the little green ground wire screw as well. Using wire nuts, wire your new fixture to the house wiring accordingly. It's sometimes useful to pre-bend your grounding wire in a "U" shape to facilitate it's wrapping around the green ground screw.

Install your mounting screws and slip the new light fixture on them and then tighten. After securing the base part of the light to the ceiling via the mounting screws, go ahead and install the light bulbs. Now the center threaded rod gets installed. Don't worry about which side of the threaded rod goes in first because it bottoms out in the base, meaning, you can only thread it in so far until it stops. Now install the glass portion of your light and thread on the plastic washer, metal, washer and securing nut. Snug it up with a wrench. Not too tight, just snug. Now you can place your decorative cap and decorative end nut on. Now you're all set.

LInk to Overhead Ceiling Light: https://amzn.to/2YuXTXR

Project Source Brand Overhead Ceiling Light Fixture Installation-Model# 0423825

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